Current DBS Check Guidance

DBS Check appointments are available to book at various times on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Book your 15 minute interview appointment below, if no time slots are available then appointments are released one month in advance.

Prior to your DBS interview you must email a photograph or photocopy of your relevant documents to [email protected] and you must also bring these documents with you on the call.  Failure to provide these documents in advance of your interview will result in your appointment being cancelled.

What is a DBS check?

If you are volunteering through your KCLSU student society with under 18s, it is a legal requirement that you have a valid Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) certificate from KCLSU or King's. This means your criminal record will be checked, alongside the identification documents you have provided, to ensure you don't have a criminal history.

Do I need a DBS check?

DBS checks are required for all online volunteering projects that work with either young people under the age of 18, or vulnerable adults.

For in person volunteering you need a DBS check if you are working 1 on 1 with a young person under 18. You no longer need DBS checks if you are working with vulnerable adults or if you are volunteering in groups.

Can KCLSU process my DBS check?

We can only process DBS checks for volunteering opportunities arranged by KCLSU societies/clubs or for approved volunteering projects set up by King's students. If you need a DBS check or for a course placement, for a voluntary/paid position with an external organisation, they will need to process this for you.

What documents do i need?

Prior to your DBS interview you must email a clear photograph or photocopy of your relevant documents to [email protected] and you must also bring these documents with you on the call to show on camera. Failure to provide these documents will result in your appointment being cancelled.


(1) You will need:

2 of the following type of Identity Documentation:

  • Passport

  • Valid Drivers License (full or provisional - plastic part only) - including international drivers licences.

  • UK Birth Certificate issued within 12 months of date of birth

  • Adoption Certificate

  • Marriage / Civil Partnership Certificate


(2) In addition you will need:

Proof of your current, term-time address issued within the last 3 months (e.g. utility bill, tax letter, bank statement).

Please note that we cannot accept confirmation of study letters, proof of halls of residence or tenancy agreements as your proof of address.  We also cannot accept digital statements or bills. We cannot accept documents printed at home. We can only accept bank statements/bills that have been either sent in the post or printed and stamped or signed in branch.


Click here for alternative combinations of documents required, as approved by

What happens after my check?

Once we have checked your ID in person, you will be given a login and password. After your appointment you will then need to log in to your application remotely and fill in some additional details, including your address history for the past five years. If you do not complete this part of your application within two months of your appointment your check will be cancelled.

How long before I receive my DBS certificate?

Certificates can take anywhere from two to eight weeks to be processed. Most organisations will allow you to participate while your DBS check is in progress so long as you're working with someone else holding a DBS certificate. This is at the discretion of the organisation so it's best to check first with whoever is in charge.

If you've been waiting more than eight weeks please contact DBS directly on 0300 0200 190 quoting your form reference number.

I am a medic – can I use the DBS check I was issued for my course for a volunteering project?

Yes, as long as you have access to a paper copy of the certificate that you can show your project lead, and the check meets the following conditions:

  • It was issued by King’s
  • It was issued within the last three years
  • It is of the same level as that required for your volunteering project (e.g. enhanced, child workforce etc.)

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